It Is An Outstanding Product - Is The Pricing Right?

In the technical set-up, we have done our best efforts to select the best models, best solvers and best implementations.

We have transferred our leading edge knowledge in numerical simulation, optimization and parameter identification from complex technical problem solving to finance, we provide task-oriented programming by having integrated our engines into Mathematica, we apply coarse grain and massive parallelism for drastic acceleration, we present results in dynamic graphics and we support various front-ends including web based ones  - we built the Unriskverse.
It is amazing what we have achieved and hundred customers really enjoy the UnRisk coverage, reliability, speed, extendability and low total cost of ownership.

Shouldn't we be market leaders world-wide (oh yes, we are in Austria)?  As marketer, this is a question I have to ask myself.
I recall Dan Ariely's Books in particular dealing with irrationality in human decision making.
What do they mean to us?  Is our licensing and pricing right?
I have already mentioned the Provenance Paradox and the Eager Sellers Stony Buyers Trap / why-we-overvalue-what-we-have in Ariel's books. He also explains the Power of High Prices and the Cycle of Distrust - in marketers, like me. Especially if buyers feel the price is to low, there seems to be hidden cost, taking in account that prices of competitive products are up in the air?

This might be a hidden psychological scenario:
Say, we  compare UnRisk and a competitive product of similar adequacy and configuration. UnRisk was - not unrealistically - EUR 10.000 less.
A prospective buyer wants to select between the products - we, for comparability, adjust our price to the other product.
We: Let us put EUR 10.000 on the table.
Buyer: Is this a trick?
We: Absolutely not.
Buyer: Is there something I need to sign in addition?
We: Nothing to sign.
Buyer: Is this for real?
We: Yes, take it ....

We are aware of this irrational barrier, but we will not change our pricing policy, because our technologies enable us to make more things with less effort. This will finally pay back.